
More info about charge-lnd:

Install with these commands line-by line (the code comments are starting with #):

# change to the bitcoin user
sudo su - bitcoin
# download charge-lnd
git clone
# create a dedicated macaroon
lncli bakemacaroon offchain:read offchain:write onchain:read info:read --save_to=~/.lnd/data/chain/bitcoin/mainnet/charge-lnd.macaroon
# change directory
cd charge-lnd
# install charge-lnd
pip install -U setuptools && pip install -r requirements.txt .
# leave the bitcoin user

Paste this whole code block to create the example config at /home/bitcoin/charge-lnd/charge.config :

echo "
strategy = static
base_fee_msat = 1000
fee_ppm = 1000
time_lock_delta = 144

[exchanges-drain-sats] = 033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025, 03cde60a6323f7122d5178255766e38114b4722ede08f7c9e0c5df9b912cc201d6,037f990e61acee8a7697966afd29dd88f3b1f8a7b14d625c4f8742bd952003a590,03cde60a6323f7122d5178255766e38114b4722ede08f7c9e0c5df9b912cc201d6,033d8656219478701227199cbd6f670335c8d408a92ae88b962c49d4dc0e83e025, 021c97a90a411ff2b10dc2a8e32de2f29d2fa49d41bfbb52bd416e460db0747d0d
strategy = static
base_fee_msat = 50000
fee_ppm = 2500
time_lock_delta = 144

chan.max_ratio = 0.10
chan.min_capacity = 250000
strategy = static
base_fee_msat = 1000
fee_ppm = 2000
time_lock_delta = 144

chan.min_ratio = 0.90
chan.min_capacity = 250000
strategy = static
base_fee_msat = 1000
fee_ppm = 10
time_lock_delta = 144

" | sudo -u bitcoin tee /home/bitcoin/charge-lnd/charge.config

Set up a cronjob with:

crontab -e

Paste this to the crontab to run it every 5 minutes (*/5_*_*_*_*):

*/5 * * * * sudo -u bitcoin /home/bitcoin/.local/bin/charge-lnd -c /home/bitcoin/charge-lnd/charge.config

gist with more example configurations:

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