# install dependencies
pkg install -y go git tmux
# enter tmux
# download
git clone https://github.com/lightningequipment/circuitbreaker
# install
cd circuitbreaker
go install
See the help and usage
/root/.gopkg/bin/circuitbreaker -h
circuitbreakerd - A new cli application
circuitbreaker [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]
0.15.4-beta commit=
help, h Shows a list of commands or help for one command
--rpcserver value host:port of ln daemon (default: "localhost:10009")
--lnddir value path to lnd's base directory (default: "/root/.lnd")
--tlscertpath value path to TLS certificate (default: "/root/.lnd/tls.cert")
--network value, -n value the network lnd is running on e.g. mainnet, testnet, etc. (default: "mainnet")
--macaroonpath value path to macaroon file
--configdir value path to CircuitBreaker's base directory (default: "/root/.circuitbreaker")
--listen value grpc server listen address (default: "")
--httplisten value http server listen address (default: "")
--stub set to enable stub mode (no lnd instance connected)
--help, -h show help
--version, -v print the version
INFO Opening database {"path": "/root/.circuitbreaker/circuitbreaker.db"}
INFO Applied migrations {"count": 1}
INFO CircuitBreaker started
INFO Grpc server starting {"listenAddress": ""}
INFO HTTP server starting {"listenAddress": ""}
INFO Connected to lnd node {"pubkey": "PUBKEY"}
INFO Interceptor/notification handlers registered
can detach tmux with CTRL+D (circuitbreaker will keep running in the background)