Aimed for receiving payments, focuses on inbound liqudity
Capital requirement
minimal to buy incoming channels
temporarily high to create incoming capacity from channels opened
Channels and peers
few (2-3) channels with well connected and capitalized nodes
connect to nodes on the Bos list
Check node stability on Lightning Web
mostly remote
high, but not perfect
unavailability affects sales
Close and Reopen when channels are filled up
a channel open (and close) is not more expensive than using Loop given :
have onchain liquidity for more channels (or splice in in the future) or
can afford the channel downtime between peers to close and reopen
Buy further inbound liquidity
Use liquidity ads to buy inbound
Try Amboss Magma
Place bids on Lightning Pool
Advertise to receive inbound
On-chain or off-chain sweeps may be necessary if Lightning wallet balance becomes too large
An off-chain sweep can improve your privacy as well as give you inbound liquidity
Self hosted node connected to a local or remote BTCPayServer
BTCPayServer on a VPS (acceptable with low amount of funds)
Fully hosted solutions (trusted) - eg. Voltage
Coming: Greenlight from Blockstream
Special cases
Accepting donations
Offer to pay onchain for high value payments (miner fee < 0.5-1%)
can progress to a Routing node as the number of connections and capital grows
Last updated
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